Weekly Astrology Forecast - Dec. 30 - Jan. 5, 2020

Hello there friends,
A time of transition and problem solving is at hand as we wax towards a first quarter moon this week in the middle of our Capricorn / Cancer series of eclipses. Mars leaves it's home temple of Scorpio for the domicile of the centaur, while Mercury takes it's turn making a supportive trine to Uranus and then conjoins Jupiter. Choose your New Year targets wisely with the long game in mind and get ready to humbly put in the work necessary to hit the mark. 

Topics discussed include MERCURY trine URANUS, MERCURY conjunct JUPITER, FIRST QUARTER MOON, MARS in SAGITTARIUS, SUN in CAPRICORN II, TAROT, VIII of WANDS, II of PENTACLES, III of PENTACLES, II of WANDS #astrology #weeklyforecast #horoscope #firstquartermoon #sagittarius #capricorn #mars #jupiter #moon #mercury #tarot 

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