Weekly Astrology Forecast - Jan. 6-12, 2020

Hello there friends,
The boulder gets heavy this week as we witness the unfolding of a generation-defining Saturn / Pluto conjunction. Triggered by a full moon lunar eclipse in Cancer, this once every 4-decade meeting of lead & lava reflects the necessity of contraction and brings corrupted power structures up from the underworld to be reckoned with. In addition to the Saturn / Pluto questions of persecution and purification, Uranus turns direct, asking us to implement innovative solutions to long-standing material challenges. 
Topics discussed include SATURN conjunct PLUTO, FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE in CANCER, MERCURY CAZIMI, URANUS DIRECT, SUN sextile NEPTUNE, MERCURY sextile NEPTUNE, MERCURY conjunct SATURN, MERCURY conjunct PLUTO, TAROT, IV of PENTACLES, VII of SWORDS #astrology #weeklyforecast #horoscope #fullmoon #lunareclipse #cancer #capricorn #saturn #jupiter #pluto #moon #mercury #tarot 

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