Weekly Astrology Forecast - March 2-8, 2020

Hello there friends,
We start our week off with a First Quarter Moon asking us to face any material challenges to manifesting the Piscean vision that is asking to be born at next week's Full Moon. Mercury continues it's retrograde journey fresh off it's rebirth into the heart of the sun, while Venus gains a bovine's worth of dignity as she ingresses back home into the fertile fields of Taurus. Finally, a pair of outer planet conjunctions herald what could be a pivotal seminal moment of change. What magic pearls are you ready to plant from your recent deep-sea dive? An epic beanstalk could await within the seed. 

Topics discussed include FIRST QUARTER MOON, VENUS square SATURN, MERCURY RETROGRADE, MORNING STAR MERCURY, VENUS sextile MERCURY Rx, VENUS in TAURUS, SUN conjunct NEPTUNE, VENUS conjunct URANUS, TAROT, V of PENTACLES, IV of PENTACLES, VII of SWORDS, IX of CUPS #astrology #weeklyforecast #horoscope #pisces #capricorn #taurus #venus #mercury #saturn #uranus #neptune #firstquartermoon #tarot #decans #mercuryretrograde

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