Weekly Astrology Forecast - June 22-28, 2020

Hello there friends,
Ar Ä“s takes center stage this week as the God of War ingresses into his home sign of the ram FOR THE NEXT SIX MONTHS. Yes, the flavor of the rest of our year is tinged with iron and spiced with rage. A sextile from retrograde Saturn in Aquarius this week is the final supportive aspect from Great Reaper before he retrogrades back into Capricorn, and moves into an overcoming square with Zeus' least favorite son for the remainder of the year. How will you stoke the fires of change, despite having one foot on the gas and the other riding the brake? Can you maintain your connection to the light side of the force as the empire strikes back? Temptation to lose your center will be strong, will you pass the test? Do or do not, there is no try.
Topics discussed include PLANETARY CONDITION, NEPTUNE RETROGRADE, VENUS DIRECT, MARS in ARIES, FIRST QUARTER MOON, MARS sextile SATURN Rx, ARÄ’S MYTHOLOGY #astrology #weeklyforecast #horoscope #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #aries #gemini #cancer #firstquartermoon #mercury #jupiter #mars #pluto #tarot #decans #retrograde #fixedstars #traditionalastrology 
Monday – 36:45 
Tuesday – 43:16 
Wednesday – 1:03:13 
Thursday – 1:08:31 
Friday – 1:11:48 
Saturday – 1:13:49 
Sunday – 1:42:30
75 Things White People Can do for Racial Justice:
White People 4 Black Lives:
Great Lakes Astrology Conference:
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