Weekly Astrology Forecast - Feb. 17-23, 2020

Hello there friends,
The urge to merge becomes irresistible this week as the Sun's siren call from Pisces encourages us to leave the material world behind in search of spiritual truth. As the moon wanes to newness over the course of the week, Jeff Buckley-esque questions will arise about this Eternal Life. “Where is love? Where is happiness? What is life? Where is peace? When will I find the strength to bring me release?” An inner pilgrimage can be just the spark to find a newfound sense of hope. What needs to be left behind as you reconnect with your higher self? 

Topics discussed include SUN in PISCES, JUPITER sextile NEPTUNE, MARS trine URANUS, SUN sextile URANUS, NEW MOON in PISCES, VENUS square JUPITER, MERCURY RETROGRADE, TAROT, VIII of CUPS, II of WANDS, III of PENTACLES #astrology #weeklyforecast #horoscope #aquarius #pisces #capricorn #venus #neptune #mars #mercury #newmoon #tarot #thematrix #neo

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