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Weekly Astrology Forecast - April 13-19, 2020

Hello there friends,
A mid-week last quarter moon asks us to reflect on the cost of differentiated awareness as we attempt to salvage new identities from the decaying matter of our former lives. A square to both Pluto and a fallen Jupiter from an exalted Aries Sun could be just the catalyst necessary to push the fruiting body to the surface from the matrix below.

Topics discussed include SUN square PLUTO, LAST QUARTER MOON, SUN square JUPITER, MERCURY sextile VENUS, MERCURY sextile MARS, SUN in TAURUS, TAROT, III of WANDS, V of PENTACLES, VI of SWORDS, IX of SWORDS #astrology #weeklyforecast #horoscope #capricorn #aquarius #aries #gemini #lastquartermoon #venus #mercury #saturn #jupiter #mars #pluto #uranus #tarot #decans 

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