Weekly Astrology Forecast - April 6-12, 2020

Hello there friends,
A challenging Libra Full Moon awaits us this week as we try to balance martial Promethean impulses to break with the status quo with a need to negotiate. Peace may be hard to come by as strong emotions rise to the surface and demand to be processed. Convoluted communication at the beginning of the week finally makes way for powder-keg clarity as Mercury, the winged messenger leaves its extended stay in Pisces for the bellicose domain of the Ram. 
Topics discussed include MARS square URANUS, MERCURY sextile PLUTO, MERCURY sextile JUPITER, FULL MOON in LIBRA, SUN in ARIES III, MERCURY in ARIES I, MERCURY sextile SATURN, MALEFIC ENCLOSURE, COSMOS & PSYCHE, TAROT, II of WANDS, III of WANDS, III of SWORDS, V of SWORDS, V of PENTACLES #astrology #weeklyforecast #horoscope #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #aries #libra #fullmoon #venus #mercury #saturn #jupiter #mars #pluto #uranus #tarot #decans 


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