Weekly Astrology Forecast - April 20-26, 2020

Hello there friends,

A new karmic seed is planted this week as the moon renews herself in the fixed earth sign of Taurus. Although this is usually a time of great fertility, an overcoming square from Saturn to this lunation could put a damper on the best-laid plans and leave us feeling the weight of our limitations and vulnerable to the gaslight flames. Patience, acceptance and delayed gratification may be the path to navigating this lunar cycle with the Ferdinandian grace, rather than falling prey to the matador's flag.

Topics discussed include SUN square SATURN, NEW MOON in TAURUS, VENUS in GEMINI, NEPTUNE in PISCES, MERCURY square PLUTO, PLUTO RETROGRADE, MERCURY square JUPITER, SUN square URANUS, TAROT, V of PENTACLES, V of SWORDS, X of CUPS #astrology #weeklyforecast #horoscope #capricorn #aquarius #aries # taurus #gemini #pisces #newmoon #mercury #saturn #jupiter #mars #pluto #uranus #tarot #decans 

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